A Comprehensive Guide on Family Sponsored Visa in Melbourne

immigration agency Melbourne

Moving to a new country can be both an overwhelming and exciting adventure. However, moving with your family can present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to obtaining the right visa. Fortunately, there’s good news for families planning to migrate to Melbourne. The Australian government has created a Family Sponsored Visa program, which allows eligible family members to sponsor their relatives for migration. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on Family Sponsored Visa in Melbourne and how our migration agency can help you to obtain it.

Who can sponsor their family members?

Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible NZ citizens can sponsor their family members provided they meet the eligibility criteria. These family members typically include parents, spouses, and children.

What are the requirements for Family Sponsored Visa?

To obtain a Family Sponsored Visa, all applicants must meet certain requirements. The sponsor must provide financial assistance, ensure that the applicants are not dependent on government assistance and that they have adequate health insurance. The applicant, on the other hand, must meet character and health requirements, pass the English language proficiency test, and have the required skills and qualifications for the job they intend to undertake in Australia.

How long does the Family Sponsored Visa process take?

The time it takes to obtain a Family Sponsored Visa varies depending on the particular circumstances of the applicant. Generally, the visa application process can take anywhere from several months to two years.

Why choose our Migration Agency for Family Sponsored Visa in Melbourne?

Navigating through the visa application process can be a tedious, challenging and frustrating experience. At our migration agency in Melbourne, we have a team of experienced professional migration agents who understand the requirements, processes, challenges and nuances of attaining Family Sponsored Visa in Australia. Our team is well-equipped to handle all aspects of the visa application process, from preparing and submitting the necessary documentation to guiding you through interview processes.


The Family Sponsored Visa program offers a great opportunity for eligible families to migrate to Australia. It can, however, be a complicated and lengthy process. If you need help with the visa application process, we encourage you to get in touch with our migration agency in Melbourne. With years of experience, our team of professional migration agents can help guide you through the process, so you can begin the next chapter of your life with your family in Australia.